Sawzall it is. I only have a metal cutting blade though, oh well. Too bad I have to cut the 5 Blue Spruce trees to get to the crab apple tree.
I asked this question in the fall, and received no advice, I would like to try again. A client of mine has a crab apple tree in her yard. It is...
The tree "owner" is worried because one side of the tree is growing too close to the house, and she would like it trimmed back and made a little...
Thanks for the advice. I don't have to trim the tree, but I thought maybe the lower branches that are partly in and along the ground would be a...
What advice, suggestions do you have for trimming a crab apple tree? I have never done this so any thoughts would be appreciated. I am in...
Hello all, I'm new to the site and by the looks of things I will be here often looking for advice and suggestions. My first questions are about...