Thanks James, as for diluted rubbing alcohol, could you tell me what per cent of the dilution ?
Few of my phal are infested with scabs. What is the best way to get rid of them and the best way to prevent them.
I was searching through the internet and accidentally came across an article saying that application of epsom salt to phalaenopsis will help to...
I just bought a tubular phalaenopsis, and while searching for orchids info, I realize that tubular phalaenopsis cannot rebloom and cannot produce...
The night temp. should drop to 55-60 F for about 2 weeks to induce flower spike. That what most people say.
Thanks you Chester for the advice.Sound like I don't water more freuent in the hot weather.
Root system is o.k. The potting medium was changed in the spring. I suspect something else.
Few of my phalaenopsis are losing their leaves. ( 2 or 3 leaves just turned yellow and wilt) The leave looks dry. Could any one help?