Will your list include any hoyas in the tropical plants?......Looking forward to when your site opens....... Sandy
I might also take some cuttings from your hoya...if its 25 years old, the older leaves will tend to yellow and fall off due to age....its a good...
Opened a few days ago....smells like citrus to me.. and a pansy from the garden
Here is a site that might help you with Hoya coronaria... http://www.myhoyas.com/Hoya%20coronaria.htm hope that helps.... Sandy
It is a strong smelling hoya....i wish it would last longer.....too many blooms though might be over powering....at the moment, i dont have that...
My australis hasnt flowered yet...your blooms are beautiful! Sandy
H. lacunosa bloom just starting to open..... Sandy
Your welcome! there will be no shortage of thanksgiving cacti coming soon to the stores...you will have a lot to choose from Sandy
Hi Annie... yes i have a couple true Christmas cacti (schlumbergera x buckleyi) which is like the one you have posted in this thread and sounds...
your cuttings look great in the pot...i am sure they will flourish now....I bet your plant is lovely when it blooms......i love that...
Annie, what colour does your xmas cactus bloom? l......the other posters gave you some great advice...it looks very healthy and happy ... Sandy
Hi.....you have a different variety of Hoya carnosa.....if its growing pink/cream coloured leaves, then its probably a H. carnosa 'Krimson Queen'...
Yes i think its so neat too and being that it was just a cutting when i received it this spring, its even more special....Stapelias are such...