Have an Arborist or two come by for an assessment. I encourage these sort of matters to be handled by someone experienced and qualified, observing...
Question for you - Why Portuguese Laurel? 8' Spacing will take several years to fill in.
At a much lower pressure, this can be quite effective. Butchart Gardens just finished a multiple day attack with an Air Spade on a compressor (at...
BC Plant Health Care Bartlett Tree Experts Burley Boys Tree Service
I feel for you. If someone came bashing into my garden, I would absolutely lose my mind.
Dormant season (December-April) is when fruit trees are *ideally* pruned. You would be shocked at what Apple trees or Blueberry bushes endured at...
Albizia seeds are just coming ripe now in Victoria, spotted them the other day. Scarify either with Acid or sandpaper, no stratification...
Compatibility between root and scion is the primary issue with your project. Though there are cases where different families are compatible, I...
Well then, my opinion is that spreading of sand on your turf will deliver little to no benefit for your mushy situation.
With a significant amount of rainfall, a mushy lawn is the norm without engineered drainage in place. Attacking a poorly draining area is...
I encourage clients to avoid spring/early summer shearing as hedges are preferred nesting grounds for many species of birds. Disturbing nests is...
Based on your list of requirement -- Have you considered an artificial tree?
Ron is indeed an excellent resource, though he would be the first to suggest to you that prescription without proper diagnosis is malpractice.
If the tree means enough to you that you'd ask a forum for advice, go one step further and have a professional by to take a look. I would...
With all of those excellent suggestions now on the table, depending on the size stock you intend on sourcing, your space concerns are probably...