I've got tons I could spare if interested. Yes, very old thread. I might as well updated it to answer my own question where this left off -...
A final update and some advice here: My plants are dead: 2 of my 6 plants are dead, and 2 of them are half dead (half the branches are brown,...
Just a final update here and some advice. Removing gnats: I finally killed mine. All the methods on this thread did NOT work for me. I...
True, reinfestation would happen with multiple pots if I wasnt careful, but I am isolating the treated plants from the non. More frustratingly is...
Well Ray, I dunno how you did it. Are you super sure yours are ALL dead? I've done several plants now with no luck on 100% gnat death. I'm...
Good to know about the centipede. They aren't beneficial running around the house though. hehe. Update: Soaking strategy is not 100%. There...
Yeah, this is a great idea. I'm seeing the same thing, tens of thousands of dead little punks. Only problem I see now is, there are some that...
Here are some appropriate questions on this topic. 1) Anyone know if this is safe on Citrus? BTi, (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies...
hmmm. I have CHC, and fungus gnats. :( Cinnamon seems to do almost nothing. Repelled a few, maybe. Killed them, definately not.
haha! yeah, it might take a prayer. thanks! I am not too worried, its a big healty tree, only a few leaves dropped due to these "leechs"...
Thanks Millet. I know, I have read that article several times. But it focuses on biological control (which isnt a good indoor strategy) and...
A month ago I had Cottony Cushion Scale on my mandarin orange tree. I scraped them all off (took me an hour), spray with neem oil to catch...
I had a terrible infestation of fungus gnats. I try and water as little as possible (I have CHC as a medium) in hopes to dry out the surface, but...
Greg, what are the details of your "treatment" here? I have these stupid little flies (looks like fruit flies, but bigger wings, smaller body)...