I know Iyoshi quite well. Bought many many of them in NL. It's not a rebranded Taylor. It performs better.
Don't forget to put a Peve Dave next to it! :)
You've got certain types of disease that do this as well, no? But the branch looks quite healthy otherwise.
Ha, I should've known your were joking :) The tree is at least 150 years old I believe... when I was there, it looked fresh and sharp, but the...
Indeed the Esveld one. I grabbed a few seeds last autumn while I was visiting. Almost stepped into the wasp next that was in the ground, haha....
Thanks, the Aureum seeds came from this one: We'll see where it goes... I think we've already have some shirasawanum coming out, so not sure...
Here are some of my seedlings... already potted them up for the greenhouse. They were sown under a grow light with some bottom heat. I also have...
@Soumil Yarlagadda : all due respect, but could you try typing all in one post instead of using 4 posts to say 4 sentences? :) No cold water, no...
Is there an English version of it?
I'm trying a lot of ways this year: - seed with bit of moisture in plastic bag and in the fridge - seed with bit of moisture and sand/peat mix in...
From what I hear, Sango Kaku and Seiryu can handle full sun... (zone 8b). Same holds for Bloodgood, Fireflow, Atropupureum, the normal acer...
Hi all... I was able to get my hands on seed that germinates extremely well. Small-seeded acer palmatum. I put some in the fridge, some in the...
I keep my small pots (P9 or 3 liter) in the greenhouse. My big pots remain outside. The important thing to control as best as possible is large...
I also checked all buds and none of them seem dead at the moment...
Can you tell me exactly how this works please (how much to dilute, how to apply, etc...)? I have no experience with that...