mine didn't grow much taller but they did fruit and we ate the corn. Unfortunately I had mostly half developed ears, but they were ripe and sweet....
every day, actually twice a day I go out and pick the beetles off my corn, and the squash bugs off my pumpkins. If you keep up with it, you'll...
just a thought...with my pumpkins, as the vines start to spread, I bury about every 4th knuckle or joint if you will, in a little mound of dirt....
we used to use them for pigeons that used to crap all over my car. It did work, and I would assume it'd work for mice and other rodents as well as...
the owl you mentioned should work well. But post it in a realistic spot, like on the roof of your shed or on a branch or something. Maybe even...
just out of curiosity, are you not at all worried that any of the chems in the insecticidal soap will be in your tomatoes, and in turn, in you?
first thought is a magnolia. But that'd be too obvious right?
I planted some sweet corn this year (first time) and it's funny, as you go from right to left in my garden, the stalks get shorter and shorter....
great looking plants and nice first harvest! Looks like there's a lot more on the way too! I planted cukes in my first garden this year but...
that may be a raccoon too. Not that it went down the hole. But it was probably smelling it and since the scent was strongest right there, that's...
you know that's a raccoon.
there are some that were trying to get to my corn this year. I go out every morning before work and every afternoon when I get home and pick them...
I read something, not sure if it was on here, about some worms eating roots. I hate to give you a half answer but I did read it. maybe google...
I read on my seed packs that pumpkins should be in full sun for optimal growth. But every day, all the leaves on my pumpkin vines wilt to (what...