I reexamined my plant. I have new leaves that have recently sprouted. The leaves have the red/pink margins on the under side.
As long as I have had the plant it has not had any red/pink coloring in the under margins of the plant. I have it in a bright location but it...
Thanks. I wasn't sure sure because I saw pictures of the Ficus elastica and it had pink/red ribbing on the under side.
I was given this rubber tree plant. I am trying to identify which variety it is. I am think that it is a Ficus elastica Robusta. As you can see...
There is a drainage hole in the pot it is hard to see the saucer at the bottom of the pot. I don’t like to use pots that don’t have drainage...
Thanks. I did not think that a different plant would just start growing in the pot but since the leaves were not the same I was a little...
Yes it is 2 questions. Thanks.
I was give a tree philodendron. It was in a pot with two other plants. I potted all of the plants in new pots. About 3 months afterwards a new...
I was given a hyacinth bean vine seed pod. Is it too late in the season to plant it. What I have been finding on the internet says to plant it...
To me it looks like a Goldfish plant, Columnea gloriosa. They are not toxic to dogs.
I have a cactus that was having a similar problem. I was told that it was not getting enough light. I have moved it to a window with more sun....
I have a African Violet that I have had since this past October 2013. it has been flowering since I was given it. I have been giving it African...