@AlainK you are about a week ahead of us. Real nice weather the past couple of days, should see some action very soon on the bud front
I got myself a new recording device, I think it really improves the detail in the video. Pruned one of our older Red Dragon maples yesterday....
You could always check out this video for step by step and play by play details As long as the soil is not frozen and it is in its dormant state,...
Many new development's from the early 1980's and onward all have underground wiring in Canada. Lets not forget the geographical size of Canada...
and a couple more before the winter winds b low the leaves away shishigashira and bonfire
It has been a very slow fall in terms of colour changes, but here are a few finally.. Pixie, seiryu, and Iijama sunago
Would be great if he would chime in, have been thinking about him for some time now
From our experience , a tree in 2 gallon container will absorb the water more quickly then a 5 gallon container. The root system in the 2 gallon...
@Sulev We found a much robust look to the trees potted in the 2 gallon rather then the 5 gallon, nothing really to do with the height of a...
@Sulev I suppose a scientific study could be helpful to some. It would be nice if there was a study that was truly specific to japanese maples. My...
@kines yes, we have tried potting from 1 gallon to 5 gallon way back in the early years to observe and see if there were differences , but we...
My comments on the way we re pot are all geared to owner grower / collectors, we do not subscribe to any fast grow approaches that many commercial...
save to say, during our nursery years we up potted over 20,000 maples. And still actively looking after a large number of container grown japanese...
as long as you have a strong back, use the larger pots as you seem to be determined to go that route regardless of comments being offered. The...