so interesting .Strange how something dosent get planted due to someones lack of interest at the university . Could have been a a whole new hardy...
good info thanks for sharing .
in about 4 days they will push up from dirt and grow a inch tall over nite .then they do nothing for weeks just water I use a store cow manure...
Anything is do able .lol I always start my sequoia seeds in egg cartons the card board holds water . Also you can cut the carton chambers and...
That's normal just becareful not to love them to death at this stage its tempting to fertilize [just water ] or a teaspoon of compost/potting...
hey keith .I'm in a zone 4 kootenays bc Canada . when small , I cover mine with white pails in winter once they are 1 1 /2 ft tall I just let...
awesome glad someone else loves the trees as much as I do ! good pics thanks for sharing .
mine are slowly coming along too .today I'm germinating a 150 or so more giant sequoias . I'm always trying different stuff .some I soak in water...
I know this works on some roots , but don't know if this will help you . Dig down along your foundation a few inches and put a galvanized plate...
hood canal cool .we are going to port orchard to visit friends this summer. I wouldn't thin , the sequoias will just take over some day ,you...
I don't think we have had -25 since I was a small child . we had -15 last yr first time in 20 yrs . we used buckets easy for the wife I was away...
There is 2 pictures .I zoomed them up and im pretty sure those are cedar trees .I have the same type in my acreage . look at the one with the bent...
I notice you have cedar trees in the back ground .you must be in the north west . the don't have any rust color what so ever so im thinking water...
Hi reaper .im no exspert .but with anything alive im guessing to lose some would be normal specially if you just let them to fend for themselves ....
im glad I get posting e mails .M.D.Vaden commented and it sent me a email reminding me of this place .lol so I may as well give an up date on my...