Greatly appreciated, thanks!
My grandmother received a bouquet of flowers recently, and she's curious as to what they are. I really have no idea even as to which family they...
Most resources I can find state that Gasteria does best in light shade, but I have mine on my deck where they get bright, direct sunlight for...
Thanks so much for the reply! I was clueless on a lot of them... Now I at least have somewhere to start when I look them up. I think it's about...
Thanks for the help! Finding a way to arrange the wood makes more sense now. I'm also really liking the tire suggestion so far... Maybe I can get...
I went to a new local nursery today and found that they had a very large selection of Haworthias, so I couldn't resist buying a few... Or eight......
Thanks for the reply... I'm not too worried about the oleander, no matter what I do to it, it just becomes angrier and more vigorous. It's not my...
Thanks for the tips! I didn't consider erosion, but it could certainly become an issue in the spring when we still get rain. How would I construct...
On the side of the driveway at my house there's a small madrone that's been eeking out an existence behind the oleander for many years. I've lived...
A good rule of thumb with these plants (like most succulents) is "When in doubt, don't water". There are a lot of Dudleya around here, and I...
Whoa... Those pictures look crazy like that.
...A steep, dry, unprotected hill. A couple weeks ago I got an excellent watermelon and so I saved some of the seeds for planting next year. The...