Thank you!
Hello Everyone. I am hoping someone can please identify this plant that grows in my yard. It has been mowed down several times, so it has...
I find these growing in a lot of our local parks. I know they aren't muscadines or grapes, I can identify those. But I'm curious as to what they...
Thank you, I appreciate the input. Thanks, I tried to look into it myself a little before bugging you guys. Being a woodsman and only a novice...
I ran across these on a hike and since then have been wondering what they are. If anyone can help me positively ID them I would greatly appreciate...
Thank you. I was assuming it was common green brier, but there are so many members of the smilax family that I wanted to be sure. In explaining to...
Could someone please help me identify this vine? I am in the southeast US Thank you.
So, no ideas?
If possible I would like to identify this plant which grows in plenty along a stream near my land. More photos can easily be taken if they would...
Thanks Michael, your help is as always greatly appreciated!