I have got a plant on own roots, too. This one grows faster, but the old graft grows slowly. It is 2-3 ft. after 5-6 years. I wonder how one can...
Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Strict Weeping' Here is a picture-
Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Strict Weeping' I'll try to get a photo in a few days. The problem is to get all the tree in one photo.
Dear Members. I am especially interested in cultivars of Sciadopitys verticillata. Particularly I love the weeping forms. I have 5 different...
Re: Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 'Strict Weeping' ]I got this plant as a rooted cutting directly from Iseli's about 8 years ago. It was then about...
Hi Larry wrote: My original tree is no more than 10 feet (3 meters?). It is smaller than any of its siblings, one of which is easily 18-20 feet...
I'll try to ask the "creator" of 'Wildcat to post a photo of the mother plant. Why don't you join our international magnolia group at yahoo?...
Try this link, and scroll. http://hellasforum.net/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&t=1877&finish=15&start=150 Olav
Mr Larry Langford who selected this cross provided Mr Eisenhut of Switzerland with scions. I got the very first plant of 'Wildcat' in Europe from...