The thing was growing in a very shady area, under several trees at the edge of the wild canyon. The bush was something the previous owners had...
Yes, I was thinking of wire mesh around it, just so it doesn't get stepped on or pulled out. If I try to grow more in a flower pot, I was...
Oh my gosh, that IS the mushroom I found! This website is the first I saw to show a picture of an old one. THANK YOU! And I just figured out...
Wow! Your garden looks fabulous and I'm sold on concept. It actually has to be easier than the slightly raised bed I built last spring. I'm...
Thank you! Is there any way I can encourage it to grow more?
I really like this idea. Have you put one together yet? If so, I have some questions. How many stones did it require? Was it deep enough,...
Thanks for all your input. I would love for it to be an edible giant puffball. But I looked at some pictures of the giant puffball, to which...
This thing has remained unchanged for much of a week. It's quite solid and has no stem. If anyone happens to know what it is, the information...
Oh my gosh! I just discovered mushrooms that look very similar growing on the dirt around a 7' Night Blooming Jasmine. Compost was put around...
Thanks Chris! The second one looks to be a match - S. chamaedryoides. But the photo link to first one doesn't have the same leaves. (Sorry, my...
Re: Identify 2 sage plants - are they edible? Yes, I believe they are Salvia, but am wondering what strain they are. I'm very interested in...
These plants were in the garden when we bought the house. I would like to know whether they are edible, especially the pink-flowered plant as the...
I'm back to report on the copper piping around my vegetable garden, and the results of deterring snails and slugs. (I created the original post...