Thanks very much, Ron
sorry, correction it was the snowberry that has opposite leaves.
my brother sent me these pictures of a shrub in his yard. the closest we could find was the silver berry but it doesn’t have alternate leaves. the...
thank you very much for the information as now I can find out growing conditions and propagation for these plants.
I recently purchased these succulents at WIGS in Burnaby but they didn’t have the actual plant name. I think the one on the right is a crassula...
I have a rhodo (Lem's Stormcloud) that seems to affected by something. I have attached a scan of the leaves. Can't seem to find anything on the...
Thanks for the quick reply! I've been looking for this for a while.
Trying to find out what kind of plant this is. (see photos) . total plant size is about 18" across. Flowers about at least once a year and would...