I would think there would be some environmental impact from the mushroom hunting activity yet there is no mention of it. I wonder how that's...
Empa -Communication - Fungal biobatteryresearchers from Empa's Cellulose and Wood Materials laboratory have developed a functioning fungal...
The national park that draws mushroom hunters from around the worldwoods in Djūkija National Park in southern Lithuania hold a particular...
'Dog-found' truffle: Researchers and canines discover two new truffle speciesTuber canirevelatum, meaning the "dog-found" truffle, was named in...
Why are trees still standing next to burned-out buildings in Los Angeles? The answer is simplePhotos showing trees in the wildfire aftermath are...
Brightly colored creature—kept in pet aquariums globally—discovered as new speciesnew species: Cherax pulverulentus, or the dusty crayfish
A reader-submitted editorial in The Globe and Mail newspaper: The incredible Dawn redwood on our porch speaks to a scale of time that’s difficult...
From superfood to super material: Goji berries yield antibacterial silver nanoparticles"This is a simple and straightforward synthesis method...