Vaden: yes, the branches definitely droop. Thanks for the info. I must think carefully about this decision.
I will try to find a photo of the tree and to Michael F. , thank you! I will use this information.
And, to M. D. Vaden, yes, it's all a matter of taste, opinion and point of view. I went and stood on the other side of the street and tried to...
I will try to post a photo when I can. It was raining all day today so I could not capture a good image. But, yes, I will if I can: a) get a...
Thank you. My next door neighbor is big on periwinkle. I have an area that gets very little light on the side of the house and she was...
We have a large spruce tree in our front yard. I'm told this causes a very acidic soil and there is, of course, a lot of shade under and around...
Need to identify a large spruce tree. Can some one give me some tips or refer me to a good web site for that will help me accomplish this?
I have a very tall, old spruce tree. Will it hurt the tree if I prune the bottom 10 -20 feet of branches. The tree is about 60 feet tall. I...
I am also considering trimming about 10 - 20 feet of the branches from the bottom of my very large spruce tree. My primary concern is the health...