you should also check for spider mites, they will cause leaf damage like that. Spray both sides of the leaves, since they are mostly on the under...
check for spider mites on leaves, the one on the right appears to have damage from it. They get it fairly easy.
I agree with yucca, and in your right picture it looks like you have mite damage on the lower leaves. Safer soap or soapy water should help clear...
Ithink that is a type of aglenome, its hard to see which one ,maybe jubilee
Ihave cut a number of these back (to just above soil line) and they resprout usually with two (or more) shoots.The piece cut off will also root...
the leaves look like a kentia palm
I just saw the picture of your yucca, (I was having trouble opening the picture,I'm new at this) ,I'm almost positive it is the mites, the leaves...
The yucca would be best with real light I just meant the flor. light as an alternative if your lighting is poor. The soapy water may help, you...
the bug I was talking abouut isn't mealy but a type of mite. It resembles a fungus, not mealy. I am a interior hort. and have quite a few yuccas...
one problem with yuccas where you get a white substance which resembles mold is actually a type of bug (I think mites), if thats the case , I have...