I did find some on line from TickleMePlant.com The babies are growing and so far so good. Thanx for all the info though. I tired getting in local...
yes it's the first one
just bought this plant today. It's called Stromanthe or Magic Star P.A.F Ever heard of it?
I've been looking for a sensitvity plant. The stems are about 2-3" long and up and doen the stem are small leaves and when you touch the leaves...
spider plants should always be under potted. That's how you get the babies. Then you can take those babies root them in water and start another...
Thanx to both of you for the info. I was told by the first owner it might have been from the sun,but I needed to make sure as I have many other...
I cut off the dead and new growth is coming in now. I was just afraid that maybe it had caught something from being left outside and not cared for...
A friend of mine called and asked if I would take his jade which was not taking very good care of. I took it so It wouldn't be left to die. Some...
but have you heard of this product as being any good. I do have compost used it and it didn't seem to do much better. I don't have a way to get...
I found this website claiming to have a product used by large companies, including Dole, called Great Big Plants. It's suppose to be top of the...
Help!!!!! secound year in a row!! I've tried everything known to man to stop this animal from eating me out of home and gardens and have failed....