Hi Ron B. Choosing a tree has become a major research project and I am very interested in the Stewartia Mondelpha so am going to UBCBG to have a...
Thank you. I will consider these alternatives.
Thank you for this information and the list of trees. Several of them are very intriguing and I will explore these options further. Cheers,
Thanks for replying. As much as I love birch trees it seems I should consider an alternative. Japanese maples seem to do very well here so I may...
Thanks for the feedback. I will consider maples instead. cheers,
Wow! 79' is huge. Thank you, this is all good information.
Thank you for the reply. I am glad to know that birch can do well in our climate. Cheers,
My landscape architect has specified mutli-stemmed white or silver birch for my front garden. I am trying to find three specimens that are still...