What wouldyou suggest I do now so it won't die?
Yes I did. The tree looks great and I hope it will come back after our hard winter here in Canada......thanks.
I did transplant the tree and it is doing great. I would suggest you get a professional to transplant the tree as it sounds like it is pretty...
I planted a new 24'" high rhodendron this summer and it bloomed beautiful pink flowers. Just in the last week or so it looks very wilted. I have...
Thank you for your response. What about rose bushes, should I cut them back this time of year or just leave them?
I have climbing roses on a trellis, and a variety of different rose bushes throughout my yard. Should roses be clipped back to the ground, and if...
I have a 7' yellow bird magnolia. I planted this tree in my garden last spring. I would like to relocate it to a different part of yard. What is...