Super Angelo! I still have to wait, I just did one year when I put the germinated! David Sonoma or involucrata you? Who has the patience and...
I got a little flat! After two years so small? Sonoma Davidic Euam bought seeds from Canada and hope to grow a little faster. However, after 4-5...
I am very happy, Mrs. Sandra Hofer from Twining Vine ,was very nice and I got the seeds by david Sonoma. I made 3 months stratification at warm,...
I bought seeds of magnolia grandiflora from The Banana Tree a month ago Mr. Fred sent me 100seminte Salet (black and round like those of magnolia...
I put the seeds to germinate and after 1 month only have 3 tiny plants of oxydendrum east. I am so sad! Is that supposed to be all peat...
Victory! After long searching I found involucrata Sonoma Davidic seed in Canada to Twiningvine.Dna Sandra Hoffer was very kind and unique in...
Now we no put for germination acid soil but when to plant, I will! Thank you!
Since last year we had problems with seedlings growth in the apartment, I bought a 15w lamp. It is very useful for increasing the tiny plants in...
And my bees!! [IMG] [IMG]
I found this great tree now only 2 months! I hope that after 10ani ... to flourish in my garden! I bought seeds from Twiningplants!
I bought seeds from eBay. This tree does not exist in Romania and I hope to be the first to have something in the garden. It is a wonderful...
Wcuttler, is a bad cold to us but yesterday since I was in my garden in Amara and cleaned the snow hives. Exit holes were clogged with snow. I...
Interesting blog, I posted the link I forum in Romania. We do not too many growers are Paulownia! In the fall I bought seeds...