I've had a Meyer lemon in my greenhouse for many years now. Our climate here in S.W. British Columbia sounds very similar to yours. As you've...
Hi Anna, I've been out of the plant biz for a few years, but Pacifica Nurseries in Abbotsford used to specialize in the grandiflora Magnolias....
This was a good winter to show the bit of extra hardiness in the Aztec Pearl variety. Here in Langley the Aztec are pretty scorched where the sun...
Nat's Nursery has been growing these for a number of years so they should be available in BC if anyone wants to pay for one. They would be...
Reminds me of...Bacopa "Bluetopia"... Though seemingly bluer, and more succulent looking foliage, hmmm...
This variety is sterile unfortunately...very pretty plant of course! All the growers use plugs produced in huge quantities by big...
A labor of love Michael! Enjoy your little guys :-)
The "Lord Baltimore" seems one of the more common types seen in the trade here...perhaps it is better adapted for our climate. Interesting that...
Hi Charles. Just a comment on these moscheutos type hibiscus in our area. I grew many dozens of them from seed, they were called Galaxy...
Hi Ann. The leaves on your cuke plants are looking poorly, either inadequate nutrients or a soil water problem (waterlogged or dried...
The rust is getting really well established here, that's the leaf spotting you're seeing. Not lethal to the tree as far as I know. Your pears...
Out on the west coast, we never have to worry about watering things over the winter. I understand your winters can be quite different tho, and...
Thin skinned varieties are more prone to splitting. According to Murphy's Law...the better tasting/"nicer" the tomato variety, the more it will...
As mentioned nitrogen is often limiting in our soils, especially for good veggie yields. My soil test showed very high natural levels of...
I would second or third the nursery bed idea. With privet, I'd even try to root them directly in a shady area, with daily misting. Anyway, the...