What is this sap that is oozing out of the bark on the trunk of a choke cherry tree? Is it a problem?
<<Is the tree in front of your house or is it just growing wild behind your house in the woods? I would not want to ruin it and the look in my...
I took a branch sample of this tree to near by college extension and they told me it was fire bright and gave me info on taking care of this. I...
Need advice about a large wild cherry tree that has some sort of amber gum on the branches and the leaves are dying. This is happening in a...
This plant intriques me. Please, someone tell me something about it. It is very large (around 4 feet tall and wide) and is growing next to the...
To the orginal post I've added a close up picture of a clipping so the leaf pattern and flower can be seen better.
Last year I had 2 dwarf Granny Smith apple trees planted. One was doing well, but the other looked like it was dying. The person planting them...
This bush (pictured below) was sold to me as a Dappled Willow, but I am sure it is not. Its leaves look like a willow's, but it now has small...
If this is a willow, what type?
Please help me identify this tree. It was growing with a mixture of (most look like Box Elders) trees in my back yard that are near a wetland...