oh, I didn't know. Thanks. I guess mystery solved. Mulberry is doing great in our area, so I'll just have to plant that big tree in a different...
Yes, and as you have indicated in your original response "at immature stage of growth the leaves can be unusually large for the species; as it...
Thanks much Ron and all the others who were trying to help. I believed that I (actually not I but a fellow gardener name Michael...
Thanks Michael, Every suggestion (including what I found) is 'almost', but not exactly. The leaves are very distinctive, 3 green lobed, quite...
Thank you, Yea, it looks somewhat like Field maple or Trident Maple. Not absolutely sure. Thanks again wculter
Thanks so much for your kind reply Susan. Everything you said makes a lot of sense, and yes, I have re planted it and it's doing great. I agree...
Hello all, I have found a new tree (that's what it seems like) growing in my garden, and so far no nursery or web search yielded any...