3rd picture "shrub is 3'X3'" perhaps Cistus. Or Azalea
Yes, Kirengishoma palmatum is a very beautiful plant, and I use it where there is mottled shade and plenty of room. It grows to almost 5' in soft...
Would #2 photo be Boxleaf Euonymous? Euonymous japonica var. microphylla Could the silver plant in #1 photo be a form of Helichrysum?
Thanks, Ron. I would "well" the tree as a graduated area perhaps 3-5' of root collar level around the trees, and a gradual berm up to 12" or so...
I need to install new flower and shrub beds directly under 50" conifers and right beside large established boulevard deciduous trees. I have done...
Perhaps Ligustrum texanum (Wax leafed Privet)
Excess plants come to me through changes required in customers gardens, excess purchasing for garden installs, excited purchases anticipating the...
Thanks to Ron and thanks to Mr. Shep both for the " heads up" about the larger Ceanothus not liking transplanting. I've not moved them this large...
Mr. Shep thanks for responding. I am not worried about the Ceanothus experiencing decline. { I was planning ( if I keep it) to give it " Mykes"...
I dug a huge Ceanothus (8'x9') at a request from a customer. Great root, crammed it into my van intact. Then noticed a struggling Acer 6' away...
Possibly some form of Echeveria?--Huge family! Or Gasteria?
Robinia pseudoacacia "Frisia" would be beautiful if you don't mind deciduous. They do grow fast, and add bright cheery yellow to the picture....
Dracaena marginata like to live on the dry side. Signs of overwatering are tip browning initially; then discolouring of the leaves in blotches...