Yea sorry about the random question in the wrong area. I couldn't find a section for something like this though lol. I have seen some stuff on...
You're technically supposed to swap out your toothbrush every 3-4 months anyways right? Would it rot faster than that?
I felt like this was the best place to ask this question, I'm curious to know what material your toothbrush is? I've been using plastic and would...
"He ate one of the problematic plants in front of the judge..." Lol that is hilarious! Good tips also =D
You should check out this guy in LA who started a project call Grow Some Shit. Ron Finley I think his name is. Anyways he's started a movement in...
Really great tips and tools in the Tools for Identifying Mushrooms posting. I currently have a little grey mushroom growing in one of my beds in...
Nice, I made some Eucalyptus oil once from a branch that some lightning had blown up. These shots are great for identifying!