I haven't seen it flower either... but I still find it to be a great plant, the colours are interesting in that they kind of change in the wind....
oh! never mind, I think it's a Hebe Anomala! thanks again Vdunnel1952!
thank you Vdunnel1952, but I can't seem to find any photos of hebes similiar to this one? any ideas what kind it could be?
Hello to anyone who can help, what is this plant? and does it need be pruned next year or at specific times of the year? thanks so much!
thanks Chimera and Ron B. I looked up photos on the internet and it seems like the choicya aztec pearls I looked at have five leafs on each stem...
Hello, Here are some photos of a piece of the plant I'd like to know the name of. The plant is about two feet tall right now, and stays this...
I've had this problem before and fought the urge to prune it back and the entire thing grew back on its own by summer time. Also, any bits that...
yeah, that's why I took a picture of the fibrous bits... haha, but still, I'm so iffy about it. Thanks for your response thanrose and also for...
Hi, I dug up some bulbs in a hidden corner of the yard and forget completely what the plant looks like during the summer. I really can't...
perfect! thanks so much, saltcedar :)
Hi, What is this? It grows about a foot high and spreads alot... I always see it being used as a ground cover. Thanks in advance for the help...