I want real feedback on those Hawthorns with nice and strong, not nasty, scent. I read in "Scent in Your Garden" by Stephen Lacey that C. monogyna...
You guys are awesome for your considered opinions re this plant...when I am sure you are dreaming your own plant fantasies. Very Much appreciated....
Good idea about x-mas trees, Ron! I had not thought of that market. The epicurean tree purchasers these days must surely want glaucus varieties....
Thanks, Michael. I mean approx 20 specimens of Wycoff's Blue....not enough for an outbreak I hope. Our ultra-dry climate does not foster any...
I see on the web, UBC has this somewhere in the gardens but I live 5 hours away in the Interior. Looks fabulous for our hot climate, a mod. tall...
We have the best organic hay here....50% alfalfa/ 50% grasses mix...tested at 14.5% protein. We are 3 1/2 hours from Vancouver. No rain, no mold,...