TonyR, those pictures in that link that you posted look exactly like my plant. Thanks for the help.
Thanks Ron, Prunus tomentosa look exactly like the one I took pictures of.
Ardisia Crenata sounds right. The one on the left may be aucuba but the leaves aren't as "teethy" so that leaves me thinking that it is a...
Thanks to you both for your replies.
Hmm, after studying some picture I'd have to say that they are very similar. Do the closed flowers of plum trees look purple? Because the ones...
Thanks JungleKeeper. OK, lucky bamboo for the big ones at the top, buddhist pine for the ones at the right, anybody have an guesses for the other...
After stumbling upon a picture online, I believe it to be the Malus sargentii, or the Sargent's Crabapple Tree. Does anyone agree with this...
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could identify these plants in a rock garden that was given to me. Thanks so much in advance :)
It has beautiful white flowers and is about 6' 5" to 7' tall now. Can anyone identify this for me? Thanks in advance.