Picked up this beauty the other day.
Can you post a photo? What are the temperatures you are keeping this plant at?
As in a problem, or a hybrid?
I'm not a insecticide user so not sure what the latest thing is. I have a friend who owns a nursery and he uses Marathon.
ovalifolia is surprisingly cold tolerant, mine has survived 25deg winters with just protection from the rain. More info here...
Leuchtenbergia and Echinocereus
Pterodiscus is a member of the Pedaliaceae family. A very easy to grow caudex forming plant. It is tolerant of a variety of growing condition,...
Hey Lila, What trouble, you have a beautiful specimen! What it is, Elephantorrhiza elephantina...
Sounds like scale to me. 2 way to deal with them, manually remove them all, repot into fresh and new container after all insects are gone or...
The plants are judged by condition 60%, staging and presentation 20%, size and maturity 15%, and nomenclature 5%. Then throw in the judges...
Rooting a cutting would be easier, but the trick is not rotting it before it roots. Make the cut, remove most of the foliage, let it dry for a...
At the Los Angeles Arboretum Aug 16th and 17th. This was my 1st judged show, I entered 12 caudex plants and each one won a ribbon! The following...