sending pics
can you name this iris sorry picture not transfering ok now got picture sorryguys and thanks pic 3 post down
yes mine is white the blooms are so big they fall over on the ground would like to know how to stop this from happening.
you guys are great spot on all correct now i can make beer with hops ,lol and the ninebark i'm so happy to have it id'd thank you all.
thanks so much all
don't know the latin name but t looks like a peony my garden is full of ufo's drives me crazy the people here are great ,helps me lots they will know.
sorry about the spelling i'm using online keyboard
tks ks smith any idea what's growing on he trellis
new blooms in my garden can you please help id
is japense maple the only tree that prodces helocopters, i assume when u say helocopter u r referring 2 t the spinnng of the leaves has they fall.
sorry on miss read your message looseleaf instead of loosestrif
neither of these are lettuce ron guess u need better pictures
closer picture better for id i hope