Either cherry or plum would be good. What I’m asking is for someone to invite me to take plant material for any of the above from their home/garden.
Artist Looking for plant material for fabric print transfers. Does anyone have of the following that is established enough for me to have some...
I am looking for Salt Cedar(Tamarisk) to use for my botanical printing on fabric. I understand this to be an invasive species and not desirable...
Hello Hi again. Wondering if your Grevillea is established enough to come and get some to try to print in my fabrics?
Thank you for your reply. You are right. It is one of the best printers and most reliable:) Luckily I have a source for that.
Thank you wcutler for the detailed information. I hope to come across a privately owned tree that the owner wouldn’t mind me coming by for a few...
How kind of you to remember to go look. It’s very much appreciated. I’ll go visit it in the late spring. I’m also looking for a eucalyptus tree....
Thank you for responding. I would really appreciate it if I could come and get some when the plants/tree are fully established for this year. Can...
Thank you so much. I won’t be using these plants until spring so I will take you up on your offer to check it out in February :)
I’m looking for any variety of the grevillia that is already established in someone’s landscape. I would like to have a few leaves/flowers to see...
Hello I’m a resident of North Vancouver and I am an artist that uses plant material on fabric. I am in search of two specimens, that are...