Does anyone know of cultivars similar to 'Osakazuki'? would appreciate the help. thanks
Do you think that this particular tree could be the 'Osakazuki' cultivar? I am pointing towards this variety, just becuase of its similarities....
Thank you very much. I would incriment bore the trunk, however, I do not want to drill a hole into it. So, I am not sure but I might just stick...
I have attached some pics for you to look at, sorry if they aren't great, but its a start. I didn't have any of the leaf in summer, but they are...
First, I am trying to identify my Japanese Maple - I know its a Green Japanese Maple, however, I am not sure what variety it is. It isn't a lace...
Thank you kind sir, I will proceed with that suggestion. My other question is this; should I leave these outside exposed to the elements or under...
The fruit of this tree can be used to make tea, and apparently has a lemon taste to it. I, my self, haven't yet tried this but I have seen them...
How large is the Redbud you planted and how long has it been in the ground?
Ron - Is using the float test an accurate and reliable way of finding the "duds"
I have a question about the Goldenrain tree. I found some seedlings this year by the mother plant, I dug them up and potted them in 8 inch pots...