I want to bring some herbs in for the winter, not to use in cooking so much, but so that they can survive the winter. Some of them are borderline...
Thank you for your deer information. But, I must tell you that first of all, we have a tall fence that cannot be jumped over by deer since the...
Joclyn, Must tell you that I DO put out tasty veggies!! I have a great compost pile that is very accessible to the visitors. And, I know that...
Joclyn, I am always trying to expand my echinacea plants.. I never could have too many!! I planted this "baby" either last year or this year...
Joclyn, I live in the Philadelphia, Pa. area which is zone 5. I bought the plant in a quart size container this year. No, it has no disease or...
I have a one or two year old echinacea plant with one flower bud about to open, but absolutely no leaf growth at the bottom of the plant. It is...
Thank you for your advice, Joclyn. I certainly will do as you suggest.
Joclyn, Thank you for your reply and advice. Dividing the root is not a possibility for me now because my plants are too small with no basal...
I have done some searching on the best way to propagate Echinaceas, and the advice I found was to do stem cuttings. I did as was suggested; I cut...
Does anyone know why my Trumpet Vine, which is many years old ( 7-8 ),has bloomed in the past, grows quickly in the spring, ( zone 5 ), developing...
Why are the echinaceas that I planted 3 years ago so slow to grow? Some of them continue to have only a few flowers, with the plant hardly...