Great Idea!
I use containers to transplant seedlings in them when they have outgrown the jiffy pots but are not yet ready to be planted outdoors. This way I...
Thank you! That is exactly what they look like! Springtails. I'm reading about them right now. They are harmless to pets and humans and they...
I soak opened sunflower seeds indoors and then plant them into peat cups. I do this very early (when it's still snowing outside). When it's...
I have a tropical indoor plant that has spent the entire summer (last year) outdoors in water (to get the roots growing). Towards the end of the...
Yes! It is! Thank you so much! It's the Buddha Belly Plant! Woo hoo! Thanks again! I feel very lucky to be in the company of one of these...
Hello, I love plants and I have many that I have saved. The only problem when you save plants is trying to figure out what kind of plant it is....