I have both grafted trees and trees from rooted cuttings. As an indoor (winter) and outdoor (summer) grower I see no difference between the two as...
Speaking of marketing. . . If they are in wooden crates/boxes, you might have Clementines. But Clementines are mainly a Spain and Morocco thing....
Laaz is correct about the Ponkan being among the largest of the mandarins. And he's probably correct in that your 5lb boxes aren't this variety....
David - It's nice seeing you participate here. As it goes, I purchased my Etrog trees from you several years ago at your Dallas home and you told...
Actually. . . Lime applications are used to raise pH, not lower it. Additionally, while Citrus prefer pH between 6.0-7.0, my soil and water pH...
In Texas, this time of year, we end up with Spanish Clementines, which have been less-than-desirable over the past few years. Satsumas have been...
Millet - Thanks for pointing out MrShep's post. Very informative. Also, I appreciate the insight into the reduced fruit drop/higher yield...
This discussion, even as it has been moved to a new thread, is quite fascinating. I hope to be able to employ the information that I have learned...
Here is at least one version of a "Devil's Backbone": http://www.acornsprings.com/index.php?mod=product&id_prd=98&id_ctg=83
Re: Cross-Pollination of Mandarins Millet - That information is fascinating. I'm saving it for the archives. Thank you for your research on the...
Millet - That information is fascinating. I'm saving it for the archives. Thank you for your research on the matter. Question: Is giberrelic acid...
Dale - Congratulations! Keep in mind that Benny is in California. If you have trees like that in Michigan, I'll be the first in line to buy your...
Re: Cross-Pollination of Mandarins Junglekeeper - Keep in mind that my professional experience involves container trees. I can tell you that most...
Junglekeeper - Keep in mind that my professional experience involves container trees. I can tell you that most citrus is self-fertile, meaning...
Dale - Was this the same Satsuma tree of which you posted a photo (in another forum) several months ago? If so, congratulations to you on your...