I have massive amounts of creeping buttercups growing at the back of my property and encroaching on the lawn and garden. Does anyone know of a...
Hi, I have a very frustrating problem with my lawn . . . . There is an area under a large flowering cherry that is very sparse of grass....
Definitely make sure that you provide cover for the plants to prevent the blight problems. I've tried the copper spray and although it works a...
Very informative, thank you. I'm sure you've changed a lot of minds out there
If there are aphids on the tomato plants, it would be wise to discourage the ants. They do not eat aphids but 'farm' them (like we do cows) for...
There are a lot of these plants growing around the Deer Lake area and I was wondering what the plant is and if the berries are edible. My husband...
Actually I'd say that #3 is radish judging by the shape of both the seed leaf and the secondary leaves that are growing. The plant to the left of...
I seem to have this problem most years. The foliage dies, becoming wilted and soggy or sometimes dry and black before the flower stalks appear....
One idea that may or may not be the problem is temperature. Tomatoes will show a purple tinge if they have been chilled - by putting outside too...
I'm no expert but I'm sure that grass clippings would help increase the Nitrogen levels and they should be easy to come by. They'll also add an...
I took a deeper look into the plants you are talking about. WOW!!! talk about having defences, thorns on every part of the plant -- leaves (top...