Thanks! Fortunately, we got some cold rain, and that was it. Both vines have now put out leaves, and are starting to put out new growth.
Hey all. Thanks to help from some members here, I got a grape vine successfully detangled from its neighbor and replanted. The good news is,...
Purely because I hate finding these threads in a search with no indication of what happened: Both vines survived the winter! The one that was...
Thanks. As it happens, we may be getting 18" tomorrow. The stake it's attached to is sunk about 8", I think, but I can probably get something...
I pruned both, and moved the smaller one about 8' from the larger. Since I had a whole lot of material pruned off, I'm taking a stab at rooting...
Thanks! That was my first thought, but I thought I remembered that grapes don't transplant well. Given the choice, I'd rather move one, if I can.
Thanks! That's all quite useful, since I really don't know what I'm doing. I have some experience with fruit trees (apple and cherry), but...
Thanks! How far back should I prune them? My understanding is that I basically want the trunk to reach at least the lower wire of a trellis:...
Hey folks. I moved into a new house this year, and one of the potentially nice things about it is a pair of grape vines. Unfortunately, whoever...