My ceanothus did not survive because it looked so bad that I pulled it out (patience is not one of my gifts - not a good idea if you garden). I...
I know it is hard to wait till spring but it is probably the best thing to do in both our cases. I think with the cotoneaster you have a better...
I have a ceanothus whose leaves have turned dark brown after the recent spell of heavy snow and very low temperatures we've had in Wales (and...
Since I like it a lot where it is currently, are you able to give me some tips on how to prune it to keep it under control? Thanks
Just in case anyone is interested, moved the above mentioned Viburnum opulous to a different position which has less sun and this year I have a...
I have a chamaecyparis pisifera boulevard growing right next to the wall of my house. It is currently about one meter high and I know that it...
I think I got the discussion on the wrong track. I just looked up cornus controversa and realised it is the wedding cake tree and not the shrubby...
Mine was leggy a couple of years ago (just like yours) but since then the tall branches have branched out and it looks a lot more bushy and...
My cornus variegata has been in place for about a year and a half and is now probably 1.8m high. It is wet and shady at the root with lots of sun...
Thanks for your reply. You said it gets tall eventually, but can I keep it trimmed and confined to a small space against the fence (the gap...
Just bought a myrtus apiculata to grow up against a south facing fence. The garden centre sold it to me as hardy but since getting home I've read...
How about planting a pyracanthus hedge? It is evergreen, it can grow tall if you let it, it has lovely white flowers in early summer and berries...