hi Loukas, I am really sad mostly for your 17 year old Picea. I know this really hurts a lot. As for Araucaria. I tried only one with a plant...
Hi Loukas! Sorry to answer so late, just now I saw the answer. How did it go with your Araucaria araucana? Did it survive?
someone from Germany told me that Araucaria araucana needs protection from full sun until they become 1 meter high. is that true?
thank you very much... I think my area is a zone 8b - 8a. my fear is during watering in summer alonside high temperatures may cause suffocative...
I will provide irrigations for sure! the point is that if it will manage the hot weather during summer and the hot sun... is my climate...
in the same area I do have planted Cedars(all the species), Calocedrus, Abies (pinsapo, cephalonica, numidica), Pinus (heldreichii, cembra, nigra,...
some people that own plant nursuries here told me that they don't bring this kind of Araucaria because during summers they die... do you think is...
Hello to everyone, I am Achilleas from Greece and I would like to plant a monkey puzzle tree in my garden. the area is in mount Parnitha...