Here in Southwest Michigan, we are having an extraordinarily mild winter- little to no snow so far and what does fall melts in the next couple...
Thanks for the advice! I got it for a little over $100, and I really use it for lots of things- it gets up to 60º when its in the 40s as long...
I have one of those small tentlike greenhouses; about 6'x8'x6'. It has zip doors & windows, and due to some dahlia bulbs getting ahead of...
Dana- thanks so much for that shells tip! I'm wondering if zebra mussel shells would work too, we've had a plague of them in Lake Michigan, be...
thanks much L; tho I'll need a 55 gal drum to catch them all!!:]
I really need some advice about controlling or repelling Armadillidium- 'rollypollies, AKA Pill Bugs, AKA wood lice. (They are actually...
I have very wet property with liquid water showing in holes deeper than 10" most of the year. There was 'wild' asparagus growing in the shaded...
Hiya- couple suggestions... first, you can increase the light by moving them closer to the window and reflecting more light with a surround of...
Thanks Liz & Bev! This's really an amazingly global forum... Liz- O.T. I recently saw a shocking satellite view of OZ with a huge dust plume...
Hi All- I've been digging up a new garden area that is a solid mesh of fine roots; the soil is a heavy clay/sand mixture (the Ice Age stopped...
thanks for the getbacks... Well, we don't get winters like Manitoba does, but we did have 0° F quite often and -20° windchills, a couple of full...