pruning an old slightly neglected grape vine

Discussion in 'Grapes and Grape Vines' started by jssme, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. jssme

    jssme Member

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    Indiana, USA
    We have a grape arbor in the backyard that was here when we moved in 15 years ago. I have pruned it almost every early spring with varying results (the kids always beg me not to kill it 'this time'). One year, quite a while back now, we cut it down to a foot above the ground. The year before last after I pruned it there were no grapes at all that season. Then last year I didn't get to pruning till April and then my husband forbade me saying it was too late; so it went unpruned, and we had a fine crop of grapes, as good as any other good year. This year I went out to prune it (the beginning of March) and I'm at a loss as to where to start! Everywhere I look to try to prune (roughly according to the 4 Kniffen system) I only see the branches I kept 2 years ago, and no new growth on the main vines. According to what I've read other places, the new growth should be close to the main vine. I've often had trouble trying to find two new branches to leave to bear fruit and two newer shoots to leave to grow at each crosswire. I've always guessed that the reddish branches are the new canes that will bear fruit their second year, and the darker brown ones are the last years fruit bearing canes. Maybe it's time to cut it back drastically again? (We need to replace the arbor anyway.) Don't know if I've been clear enough here, but any help would be appreciated. Thx!
  2. K Baron

    K Baron Well-Known Member

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    North Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    I think that you answered your own question, since the arbour is in need or repair/replacement...I would cut back to the fibrous stock if you are unsure where to prune the entanglement, this will at least give your vine enough foliage for the coming summer and a new climbing medium to!
  3. northerngrapes

    northerngrapes Active Member

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    ? Gardening Tips- grapes.doc

    I can think of all the old vines i've pruned over the years. It's probably best to start
    the vine over. Let your vine grow this year and select the wood from this years growth
    to reestablish the vine on your arbour. You'll lose this years fruit but by doing so it will
    let you retrain the vine and make it easier to prune. Grapes produce their fruit on the previous seasons growth so look utilize that growth to rejuvenate the vine. The worst
    vine I ever pruned was this massive 50 year old vine on an old arbor I cut it right back to the best new wood i had. i restablished the framework. It took 2 years to come back but it's now really easy to prune and produces a nice crop every year.
    Hope this helps. Check out the link above.


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