Identification: What is this plant?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by MBlobe, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. MBlobe

    MBlobe Member

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    Ontario Canada
    My mom had this plant at her house and it was dying so I rescued it. I repotted it and placed it in my bathroom and it was really thriving. Now it has become droopy and is shedding all its leaves. The leaves are still green and not dry and I see nothing to indicate what's wrong with it. I decided to look online to see what could be the problem when I realized I don't even know what it is! My mom says it's a Japanese Maple, but I'm not sure she's right. It didn't have an ID stick when she bought it so she doesn't know for sure. Can someone please help me identify, it and if you know what's wrong with it that would be helpful too.

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  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Looks like Polyscias fruticosa, Ming Aralia.
  3. mrsubjunctive

    mrsubjunctive Active Member

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    Iowa, United States
    Agreed. Don't know what was wrong with it at your mother's house, but it's fairly normal for them to shed leaves in response to a move. This is especially the case if it's exposed to cold (below 60F / 16C) in the process, or if the new location is darker than the old one.
  4. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Check the soil - it should be just slightly moist, not dry nor dripping wet. Over-watering is one of the commonest causes of indoor plants failing.
  5. MBlobe

    MBlobe Member

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    Ontario Canada
    The plant was moved from my moms about 4 months ago and had been thriving in its new location. I always check the soil before watering my plants and have done nothing differently. The only difference is that my husband regrouted the tile in that room and had the door closed to keep the dogs out. Perhaps the room is warmer with the door closed also not as much air circulation. Could this be the problem?
    Looking at the plant now I've discovered that there are buds sprouting at all the spots where the leaves fell off. I have it moved to the kitchen where there is more light and better circulation. Do these plants go through seasonal leaf shedding maybe?
  6. mrsubjunctive

    mrsubjunctive Active Member

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    Iowa, United States
    Mine never has. The only time it's dropped a lot of leaves at once was toward the end of this summer, and I think that was because it was getting potbound, so the soil was drying out faster than I could water. That was the first occasion in 2 1/2 years.

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