
Discussion in 'VCBF Neighbourhood Blogs' started by wcutler, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: West Point Grey

    These were mistakenly posted in West Point Grey, but they belong in UBC, as they're west of Alma. [edited by wcutler 20090717: actually, they belong in West Point Grey, but the second location does belong in UBC. We have a new map now, and the boundaries are much more clear.

    These look like Shirotae and maybe they are, but if the UBC Shirotae are past their prime, how could these at 6th and Drummond Drive (near UBC) be Shirotae and just be opening now? The petal edges and peduncle and pedicel length are not right for Shogetsu. I think I remember them having a nice fragrance.
    20080425_Drummond6th_Shirotae_Cutler_4711.jpg 20080425_Drummond6th_Shirotae_Cutler_4712.jpg 20080425_Drummond6th_Shirotae_Cutler_4717.jpg 20080425_Drummond6th_Shirotae_Cutler_4719.jpg
    This seems like it would be a private planting, but it's on the boulevard.

    These on the median and north side of 16th approaching UBC might also be Shirotae, but they don't seem to have that fresh green and white appearance of Shirotae. I didn't notice that at the time so didn't take any closeups.
    20080425_16th_Shirotae_Cutler_4724r.jpg 20080425_16th_Shirotae_Cutler_4725r.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada

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  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: Ubc - Shirotae at University Village

    They're past their peak now but might still be worth a look - there are at least 60 trees on both sides of the Regent Colege building - check out the Google satellite map (from two or three years ago, conveniently photographed in the spring).

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  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: * POSTED - Ojochin & 7 cultivars at Nitobe Garden

    On May 7, the Ojochin was completely finished, but the Shogetsu, Kanzans, Shirofugens and Taki-nioi were all in bloom. PIctured are the Shogetsu (with the green leaves) and Taki-nioi.
    20080507_Nitobe_TakiNioiShogetsu_Cutler_5869r.jpg 20080507_Nitobe_Shogetsu_Cutler_5836r.jpg 20080507_Nitobe_TakiNioi_Cutler_5863r.jpg
  5. eteinindia

    eteinindia Well-Known Member VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Tokyo, Japan but I still miss Vancouver
    Last Kanzans in Vancouver?!
    posted on May14

    UBC area is rather slower than other part of Vancouver.
    So some Kanzans were still blooming yesterday(May 13).

    20080513_UniversityGolf_Kanzan_Izaki 006.jpg 20080513_UniversityGolf_Kanzan_Izaki 004.jpg

    On May 10, they were at the peek bloom.
    They bloomed almost without leaves.

    20080510_UniversityGolf_Kanzan_Izaki 007A.JPG 20080510_UniversityGolf_Kanzan_Izaki 008A.JPG

    There are a row of Kanzans at the centre of University BLVD from Blanca St to Westbrook Mall.

    20080510_UniversityBLVD_Kanzan_Izaki 006.JPG
  6. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: * POSTED - Ojochin (now Taki-nioi) & 7 cultivars at Nitobe Garden

    This is not a timely posting. I just found photos posted on the forums from Nitobe Garden after the snowfall in January. That's the Ojochin on the left, and the Taki-nioi on the right. And there are two more photos on the Botany Photo of the Day posting for January 31, 2008.
  7. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: Ubc - Autumn colours

    Here are some autumn colours to separate Spring, 2008 cherries from the next season's. These are the Somei-yoshino on Lower Mall.

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  8. Rick Marzolf

    Rick Marzolf Member

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    Vancouver BC Canada

    We are getting great fall colours this year.
  9. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: Ubc - FIRST POSTING IN 2009

    First posting in 2009

    We don't have the Somei-yoshinos on Lower Mall posted in the snow, so here they are, March 9, 2009. No blossoms yet, of course.

    These Whitcombs don't seem that far behind the ones in the West End, though it's hard to tell, with the trees covered with the snow. But by the description, they seem to be almost a month behind some other UBC Whitcombs that were posted last year. I have no idea what camera setting that was for the first photo, which I've retouched in Photoshop Elements, but I liked it. My new camera seems to turn the settings dial all by itself.
    20090309_UBCTotemPk_Whitcomb_Cutler_DSC00634.jpg 20090309_UBCTotemPk_Whitcomb_Cutler_DSC00638.jpg 20090309_UBCTotemPk_Whitcomb_Cutler_DSC00639.jpg 20090309_UBCTotemPk_Whitcomb_Cutler_DSC00642.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  10. Rick Marzolf

    Rick Marzolf Member

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    way to go Wendy... first out of the gate!
  11. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: Ubc - Okames

    I was surprised to see that the Okames ( Prunus x incamp 'Okame' (P. incisa x P. campanulata) at Fraser Parkade are so far along. Last year they were posted on March 19, so maybe they are two weeks later. Only the more sickly tree nearest the Nitobe Garden had open blossoms, but it generally didn't have as much colour as the ones at the parkade. So they're not really in bloom yet. But their bloom time at UBC seems to be pretty much the same as Whitcombs.
    20080323_FraserPkd_Okame_Cutler_DSC00810.jpg 20080323_FraserPkd_Okame_Cutler_DSC00813c.jpg 20080323_FraserPkd_Okame_Cutler_DSC00816c.jpg
    I should mention that these blossoms are very small, less than 2cm across the face of the flower.

    Someone could keep an eye on the Whitcomb (or are there two?) on Marine Drive at I think the intersection is Agronomy Rd. It's pretty colourful but not in full bloom. [Edited 2013mar13 by wcutler: these are no longer there].
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  12. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    The Okames next to the Fraser Parkade are looking great right now.

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  13. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I've posted a bunch of photos of virus-free cherries grown in an orchard at the UBC Farm as a reply to an article Douglas Justice wrote in his blog last year. I was there for the Trek to the Farm march to save all 24 hectares of the farm from condo development (the politicos seem to think 4 hectares is plenty), and I parked where instructed to, in the FP Innovations lot on Wesbrook south of 16th, almost across from the Farm entrance. This parking lot, on its north side, has about 40 Shirotae trees in just about the worst shape of any cherries I've ever seen. They're very close together and overrun by salal and I forget what that is growing behind them. The ones at the far end of the lot are not too bad-looking, and then they get smaller and in worse and worse shape as you look along the row. Toward the street, the rootstock has taken over on most of them.
    20090407_3800Wesbrook_Shirotae_Cutler_3675.jpg 20090407_3800Wesbrook_Shirotae_Cutler_3676.jpg 20090407_3800Wesbrook_Shirotae_Cutler_3677.jpg 20090407_3800Wesbrook_Shirotae_Cutler_3678.jpg

    The trek started at SUB. North of SUB, at the entrance to the North Parkade, I was completely surprised to see five Autumnalis Rosea trees in what passes for bloom on that cultivar. The trees don't look that great, but there are more flowers than on any West End ones of that cultivar.
    20090407_UBCNorthParkade_AR_Cutler_3683.jpg 20090407_UBCNorthParkade_AR_Cutler_3686.jpg

    Akebonos outside the David Lam Learning Centre are quite protected. Only this one area had open blossoms.
    20090407_DavidLamCtr_Akebono_Cutler_3692.jpg 20090407_DavidLamCtr_Akebono_Cutler_3693.jpg

    There's a nice street of Akebonos (I think) yet to open at Stores Road and Main Mall (or else the other way around). [Edited by wcutler 3014mar27] Janet Gabites tells me these are on Agronomy Road between Main Mall and East Mall, and yes, I see them on Google Maps there. I've fixed the marker on the festival map.

    Two Accolades outside The Barn on Main Mall are starting to open. [Edited by wcutler 3014mar27] I see that the photo names say Akebono, but they really are the 'Accolade' trees.
    20090407_TheBarn-MainMall_Akebono_Cutler_3695.jpg 20090407_TheBarn-MainMall_Akebono_Cutler_3698.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  14. lishirley

    lishirley Member

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    I went to UBC on Tuesday April 14, 2009. The Somei-Yoshino are at their 90% Bloom.
    The Lower Mall area is one of my favorites.

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    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  15. meb

    meb Active Member VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC
    Yes, the Yoshino are beautiful. By Thursday, April 16, a grand spectacle on Lower Mall.

    Check out the Shirotae at the Parkade across from the Asian Centre. 3 of the 6 are almost in full bloom and the other three are just beginning.
  16. kennyc

    kennyc Member

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    Vancouver, Canada

    Beautiful accolades (certainly one of my favorite cultivars) showing bright pink double blossoms abundantly grown on branches (sigh~!). Also note the wide umbrella shaped tree. Glad that this early cultivar was still growing in mid-season (April 13, 2009) at UBC.

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    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  17. kennyc

    kennyc Member

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    Vancouver, Canada
    At the start of the season, I could not tell apart Somei-yoshino and Akebono. Both have light pink blossoms, umbrella-shaped trees, and grow in mid-season. Today, I learn several ways to tell them apart:

    1. Akebono has an extra staminode (false petal) in 1 in approximately 20-30 flowers
    2. Somei-yoshino have 'sturdier' blossoms; Akebono blossoms appear 'fluffier'.
    3. Somei-yoshino are lighter pink in colour; Akebono blossoms are of slightly darker pink shade
    4. Somei-yoshino bloom a little earlier than Akebono
    5. Most young trees are Akebono, as mentioned in Wendy's previous post

    Here are some pictures of Somei-yoshino (taken near Chan Centre on April 13, 2009):
    20090413_EastMall+Crescent_Somei-yoshino_Chan_0204.jpg.jpg 20090413_EastMall+Crescent_Somei-yoshino_Chan_0205.jpg.jpg 20090413_EastMall+Crescent_Somei-yoshino_Chan_0207.jpg.jpg 20090413_LowerMall+UBlvd_Somei-yoshino_Chan_0109.jpg.jpg

    Here are some pictures of Akebono to compare (taken near Asian Centre on April 13, 2009):
    20090413_Memorial+LowerMall_Akebono_Chan_0125.jpg.jpg 20090413_Memorial+LowerMall_Akebono_Chan_0139.jpg.jpg
  18. Sakura Spots

    Sakura Spots Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Shirotae around UBC Village (Western Parkway & Wesbrook by Univ Blvd) - images from this week.

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  19. Sakura Spots

    Sakura Spots Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    These snapshots were taken near the UBC Hospital by the bus stop on Wesbrook this week.

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  20. Sakura Spots

    Sakura Spots Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Along the Univ Blvd (from this week)...

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  21. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Taki-nioi and others

    Only the Prunus Sato-zakura Group 'Ojochin' is in flower on April 25, 2009. It's the pink marker at the top of the purple line representing the path. The green marker indicates Shirotae outside the parkade which looked beautiful on April 25. The pink marker at the top of the map is a Tai Haku to the left of International House on West Mall.
    54-TakiNioiNitobe.gif 20090425_Nitobe_Ojochin_Cutler_DSC02583.jpg 20090425_Nitobe_Ojochin_Cutler_DSC02584.jpg 20090425_Nitobe_Ojochin_Cutler_DSC02589.jpg

    The Prunus Sato-zakura Group 'Taki-nioi' seems to be about two weeks from blooming, but I'm not at all good at that kind of estimate. Its position is marked by the pink pushpin. The yellow marker nearby is a Shogetsu.
  22. eteinindia

    eteinindia Well-Known Member VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Tokyo, Japan but I still miss Vancouver
    Re: West Point Grey

    May 4, 2009
    Kanzans on Chancellor BLVD were full Bloom today. I think those are Last Kanzans blooming in Vancouver.
    20090504_ChancellorBL&highroad_Kanzan,Shirotae&Kikushidare_Izaki 001.JPG 20090504_ChancellorBL&highroad_Kanzan,Shirotae&Kikushidare_Izaki 005.JPG 20090504_ChancellorBL&highroad_Kanzan,Shirotae&Kikushidare_Izaki 007.JPG

    There was 1 Shirotae still have floweres.(finishing)
    20090504_ChancellorBL&highroad_Kanzan,Shirotae&Kikushidare_Izaki 008.JPG 20090504_ChancellorBL&highroad_Kanzan,Shirotae&Kikushidare_Izaki 010.JPG

    Kanzans in UBC Golf Course were also full bloom. Last year those and ones in Tisdall Park (W 49th & Ash) were last Kansans I saw. But this year ones in the Tisdall Park started blooming earlier.
    20090504_UBCGolfCourse_Kanzan_Izaki 001.JPG 20090504_UBCGolfCourse_Kanzan_Izaki 007.JPG 20090504_UBCGolfCourse_Kanzan_Izaki 003.JPG

    I saw 1 Kiku-shidare finishing at private garden (4947 College Highroad).
    20090504_ChancellorBL&highroad_Kanzan,Shirotae&Kikushidare_Izaki 012.JPG 20090504_ChancellorBL&highroad_Kanzan,Shirotae&Kikushidare_Izaki 013.JPG
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2009
  23. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Re: Taki-nioi and others

    The Taki-nioi is in bloom now, May 6 (I was told it was looking good on May 2). I'm hoping I convinced a visitor to post her photos. But if she doesn't, you can see what it looked like last year.
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  24. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Here are a few photos from Douglas Justice's Talk and Walk on April 24: the Shirotae at the meeting spot at the Fraser Parkade, Tai Haku at International House, a Kanzan somewhere, and another Tai Haku. I didn't remember to capture the street signs.

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  25. Marie Ridderhus

    Marie Ridderhus Member

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    Oslo, Norway
    Just some pictures I took while I spent some time in Vancouver. From the Japanese Garden at the University.

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