I would like to know other peoples views concerning the thread below. Am I being really lazy, or do others feel as I do..? http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=40574 Luddite
well, maybe the person doesn't know which code to use from photobucket. i know it took me a bit to figure it out - and i also ended up with hotlinks instead of pics in my posts here. the software here is very different from other sites - and people who aren't too computer savvy may not know how to deal with it.
It is much nicer when the preview images appear directly in the post, but people may have set up banks of photos somewhere else that they want to share. It is the posters prerogative. It is also the viewers prerogative to avoid links, and I think many do.
i agree, it IS easier to have a preview of the pic right there in the post. even if the correct code is used from photobucket so that the pic shows, rather than a hotlink, you can still click on it to enlarge the pic...so, in all reality, it's still a link.
Yes, but with pics uploaded here, you don't get the nasty spam pop-ups that you get when visiting photobucket.
Agree, it seems much simpler if the photo is posted here and likely benefits more forum participants, both short and long term.
I like the previews - chances I'll look at something with a preview thumbnail in plant ID - 50% or so (if it hasn't already been ID'd). Chance of looking at something with photobucket: 10%. I'm sure there are many crusty threads with links to photos that are no longer hosted on photobucket or similar services (and therefore, mostly useless). I could censor the word photobucket, borking every link, but I think that'd cause more trouble in explaining why it doesn't work.
i have never had any pop-ups as a result of going to a pic on photobucket. not once, ever. and no pop-up blockers on my computers either. i have seen pop-ups from some of the other hosting sites...can't think of which two do that at the moment, though. most people use photobucket so it's really not an issue.
I agree with you Luddite. I looked at that thread briefly and got sick and tired of clicking in and out. I also didn't appreciate the personal comments directed to yourself, which seem to be on the increase here lately, or maybe its just me... Ed
Thank you Ed and Daniel, I was suprised and a little hurt by bullseye's last comments. Totally unnecessary and uncalled for. Not what I have come to expect from the many lovely, helpful, knowledgeable folk who regularly use these forums. Just for the sake of accuracy we keep chicken, ducks, and geese. We have no sheep!!!
Luddite - I totally agree with you. I generally don't even open threads without the little "attachments" icon on the forum screen level. Maybe I'm lazy, but I love the attachment feature here at the forums and the little thumbnails - it gives me a quick idea of whether I'll be of any help. Re - photbucket and popups - I think it may have something to do with having popups supressed on your browser. I use photobucket, but I never have problems with popups because I have chosen to have Safari block them out for me.
I have been using photobucket for years and I have yet to have or see any popups of any kind and certainly not porn
Why not just use the additional options for browse function? Or if you have a host then send an image up to a folder/directory and grab the link from your cpanel.
How about using this method. Simple and Clean. http://www.durgan.org/ShortURL/?CAEZO 14 July 2008 Sunflower (Helianthus)
Yes please, for multi images it is excellent. I love your pics (especially the lilies the other day.) For just a few pics, I still like the UBC recommended way.
Nice But maybe whoever only wants to upload one so the forum software is adequate for anyone's needs I would imagine. Or are you showing us your gallery Durgan?
The system is just a relevant for one picture or many. A thumbnail then a larger picure of any size. Neat and clean. http://www.durgan.org/ShortURL/?YDLHB My opinion is forum systems for displaying pictures is much deficient, and needs improving. Most of the posted pictures are absolutely dreadful, and a large part of the problems is the delivery system. Most people have difficulty using the system, such as it is, hence the almost total lack of pictures in this day of digital imaging. The same observation applies to Email pictures. The delivery system is Stonehenge technology. Photo bucket, Webshots, etc. haven't improved the method to any large degree.
Well, For those with somewhere to host. There is Lighbox2 which is very similar to Adobe's Lightroom. I have the Lightbox but had no time as yet to setup a gallery. http://www.lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/
Oooops! ..... Apologies to photobucket, I've remembered it was imageshack.us, not photobucket, that had the porn pop-ups. I've also subsequently found out how to block it with the Hosts file.
I think the acerbic comments directed at Luddite in the other thread were inappropriate and unwarranted. The suggestion to use thumbnails to increase views is valid. If the responses in this thread are any indication it appears most people would share that sentiment. There are more gracious ways to turn down a suggestion than to resort to personal attacks. Nicely summarized. One problem with some of the image hosting sites is the long delay in presenting a picture. I've always wondered what else is being downloaded; the firewall indicates a large amount data being transfered even before the picture itself begins to load.