This is my first post here, and I found this forum searching for information on disease and illness in Maples. I have several Japanese Dwarf Maples, both in the bloodgood and laceleaf variety. My laceleaf is my concern today. As my 3yr old says, the tree is very sad! It has resorted to drooping leaves that are almost slimy and they just droop up, curl and get really really dark. Eventually they dry and die. The branches that they are on do not look dead. I have been reading about verticillian wilt, but it seems that in that the leaves dry up and these are not dry for some time, if at all. I have had this tree for about 1 1/2 yrs. This is not the first time I have maples, and my others are doing great. This one did great when first planted, and wonderfully last year, but this year it is just unhappy. We had a late snow and I thought that could be it, but the leaves do not present a "burn" look to them. Like I said, they almost look and feel slimy. Any idea what this could be and what I can do to help my tree? Thanks so much for your time. Melissa
HI Melissa this year the climate conditions are fatal for more acer in my garden too ,only one advice cut and look if the branchs,are dry the maple is KO!alex
So, if the branches are dry when cut then the tree if fine? I will cut a branch off tonight and take pictures of the tree, the dying leaves and the inside of the branch to share and see if you or others have more thoughts. I do not want to lose this tree. I like it and just hate the idea of it dying. I'm on a mission to save it. Thanks for your thoughts.
Ok, good news, the branches look healthy, light and clean inside. They are dry too. I am so excited about that. Also, the one that I clipped off showed signs of new leaves developing. So, I looked at the rest of the tree and it has more signs of new life. Is it possible that the fact that it got warm and then we had a late snow the tree could have started over so to speak? Anyhow, here are pictures of the tree and the branch that I cut off. I bought fish emulsion today and used that on it too. That stuff works wonders on all trees and plants. I will keep you all posted on the progress of my tree.
The general advice here is to wait and see how the tree develops before entering into a panic state In a few weeks time you will have a better view of what needs to be done Often the tree is sending out new buds which you will damage if you interfere
It worried me because in the 9 years I have had JMs I have never had one do this. My other 4 are doing great and have no signs of anything like this. Something was/is definately up with it, but it hopefully is something minor and not damaging to my tree. Thanks. I will wait and see now. Oh, and of course give it some extra TLC. That always seems to work with any plant. ;)