My echeveria is having problems. Just today, i noticed that a leaf fell off and then i went got it, the whole thing just crumbled away. I've never seen this and don't know what to do. I am assuming that i probably over watered, but I am in denial right now as I don't recall watering it that much as it looked super healthy. here is a picture of it. please help, i just don't want this to happen to my other succulents if it is a plague or not!
I've never had that happen (knock on wood!) Don't know what caused that but, if it's not from disease, you could get new plants by rooting the leaves you have. The stem might grow a new plant also (had that occur after cutting off the rosette top of an echeveria). Just lightly press the base of the leaves into moist sand and keep it moist and in bright but indirect light. A new little plant will grow and eventually you can detatch the old leaf. If you keep the old roots & stem SLIGHTly moist and in bright light, it might also grow a new plant for you.
I have a few little plants growing from leaves that i pulled off while transplanting it. But it was nice and full and gorgeous and was about to bloom! then all of a sudden, it just fell apart. =(
Its dead, Jim. Did you spray the plant with Malathion? That's a no-no and that's what happens when you do that.