Best Mulch for Maples

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Jennifer Cook, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Jennifer Cook

    Jennifer Cook New Member

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    Kamloops, British Columbia
    I have recently created a new garden area with two Japanese maples and one Korean maple, plus some hostas and heuchera. I'm just in the process of adding drip water lines and want to cover this with a mulch. I am not planning on using landscape fabric. I am in Zone 3, but the area gets morning sun and is quite sheltered.

    My question is, what is the best type of mulch for this garden? Most of the landscaping supply store stock cedar bark mulch, but I have heard this is not good for maples.
  2. chimera

    chimera Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Fraser Valley, B.C. ,Canada
    Welcome to the forums.
    Hemlock, fir, or pine bark mulch should be good.
    Jennifer Cook likes this.
  3. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    I too think the bark mulch should be OK.

    The best mulch I've used is cut bracken, which is a natural weed suppressant. But I've never seen it sold commercially. I also really like flax, it is very long lasting and also an excellent suppressant. It starts out rather white but fades to a silvery color after a season.

    I have had good results with wood chips, but the problem is that what I had delivered was full of seeds, elder flower and oak. A real and endless PITA.

    Jennifer Cook likes this.
  4. Jennifer Cook

    Jennifer Cook New Member

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    Kamloops, British Columbia
    Thanks Emery and Chimera,

    Not too much bracken or flax available in my part of the world, so I'm going to source some pine mulch today. I've also been adding some coffee grounds to the beds in hopes of deterring the slugs that are attracted to my new hostas, and I have read that the maples like this, too.

    Thanks again,


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