Dracaena Marginata suffering :( (Dragon tree?)

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by daniekr, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. daniekr

    daniekr Member

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    Hello from cold Norway!

    For less than a year ago we purchased a Dracaena Marginata for our apartment. We were 3 useless plant owners sharing a flat for studying but the plant lived a happy life in our living room with huge windows and good temperatures during summer. We just watered it occassionally. It also coped well when we entered winter.

    But when we came back after christmas the plant looked out of shape. We had been away for less than two weeks, with heating on - however a little low (around 15 degrees c). The winter outside was freezing, with temps down to -30 degrees celcius. Since we were in the process of moving out, we were about to throw it away but I decided to bring it to my new dorm, comitted to saving it.

    I removed a lot of dead leaves and watered it a lot (which I now, after reading up on the plant, guess wasnt too smart). What should I do next? It doesn't look completely dead, is there any hope for my little companion here in my dorm room? Notice a lot of the leaves has brown tips, and notice the seemingly dead grow at the bottom.

    I put it in the bathroom for the time being since the light is brighter there and theres almost no sunlight during day here now anyway. Its also a little more humid and warmer.

    Look at the pics, any hope? Just tell me what to do!!

    Attached Files:

  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Welcome to the Forum!

    Is there drainage from outer pot? Be sure your plant is not sitting in water.

    Looks as if it would do OK if you got it into a larger pot with well-draining soil, and gave it more light. Probably also suffering aftereffects of cold.
  3. daniekr

    daniekr Member

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    Yep I have checked the draining and the outer pot also drains water.

    I dont know how to give it more light since the suns hardly up in my area during winter. I guess indoor light doesnt count.. or?

    What do you think about the brown tips and the one stem at the bottom with just dead leaves on it, should I leave them alone?
  4. Joy Cooper

    Joy Cooper Active Member

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    Evans Head New South Wales Australia
    Just cut the dead growth off the left of the smallest plant. It has good healthy growth on the right & new shoots will probably sprout from where you cut the dead stuff from.

    Re the brown tips. Most dracaenas, including the marginatas do not like chlorinated &/or fluoridated water & these chemicals do cause the tips of their leaves to become brown. Also, so does over watering. We use rainwater for our dracaenas as even bottled water usually has been treated with chlorine.

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